I N T R O D U C I N G 

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If you’re anything like we were, you graduated with a vet degree and felt like you’d MADE IT!

You could FINALLY put ‘Dr’ in front of your name, you were armed with your stethoscope and ready to set out in the world and start helping animals one by one.

As the success story of your family, you were envied by your non-vet friends and all those people out there who were ‘going to be a vet’

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All those years at vet school and sitting through all those lectures, made you think you would know your stuff and could figure out what was going on with a sick patient.


And if you didn’t, well that’s what textbooks are for – right?

Newsflashthere is no chapter on the dog that’s ‘not himself’. You have to make decisions on which tests to run and what treatment to start but you’re scared of getting it wrong.

Or worse – you run a bunch of tests and they are all normal. Now you’ve spent all the client’s money and you have to tell them you STILL don’t know why their pet is sick. The anxiety can be overwhelming.


There are some clients who think you are amazing – they trust you 100% with their four-legged fam and listen carefully to your advice.


But then there are those other pet owners who seem to question everything you say or worse, stand there in stoney silence  radiating skepticism as you try to explain your recommendations for their pet. Why is it so hard to get these ‘difficult clients’ on the same page with you?

Problem is, you don’t always know these clients before you walk in the consult room so you feel ambushed when they come along and exhausted when they leave. And their pet often doesn’t get the treatment you know they need, leaving you feeling angry and defeated.

These feelings don’t stop once you leave work, either. You often take them home with you, which can make it hard to enjoy yourself outside of work hours.
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You’d love to get your health on track and clean up your diet but how are you supposed to do that when you have five minutes to stuff some food in your mouth between a spey and a lumpectomy surgery?


And as for working out and looking after your body – it’s a struggle to get enough routine in your day to plan a regular time to hit the gym or get active.

You want so much more out of life and lately, it doesn’t seem like the veterinary career path is giving you the freedom to have all that. You can’t imagine swapping to another job but at the same time you’re thinking to yourself…

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Those same family and friends who were so proud of you for getting into vet school are now saying, “you must be mad to stay in a career where the pay, hours and stress are getting you down.”

But let’s admit it, the fact is – you love being able to make a difference and being a vet is part of who you are as a person.

Being the high achiever that you are, you think that you’d be able to figure out the answers to these problems pretty quickly but you don’t know where to start.


It doesn’t matter how many webinars you sign up for on metabolic diseases, or conferences you go to learn from all the specialists you aspire to be like… it doesn’t chase away that sinking feeling that you might make a mistake or face a confrontation at work today that you are not ready to deal with.

And as much as you love working with animals, every consultation brings the necessity to discuss costs of treatment with the pet owners which is a reality of the job that you wish didn’t exist.

 Even as rewarding as this job may be, you can’t help feeling like there’s so much more life you’d rather be living.

How do you manage these long hours AND have the happiness and vitality you’ve been craving?!

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Not only that, but you DESERVE to feel confident in yourself as a vet, 

You deserve not to be daunted by conversations with pet owners but instead to deeply connect with them and start to build a partnership together for the wellbeing of their animal. 

You deserve to fall in love with your work and create a lifestyle around your career that you enjoy. 

One that ultimately supports your overall health and wellbeing where you can FEEL GOOD every day knowing you’re truly living your life purpose as the amazing dedicated vet you are while also being the amazing human you are outside of your career. 

A lifestyle where you’ve learned how to balance work and life and have found ways to make your health, mental well being, and overall happiness the core priority in your life. So much so, that you show up to the clinic full of positive energy + confidence ready to support any patient with any problem.

You can have all this.

And it starts here, NOW.

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Your coaches and mentors on this journey towards discovering your greatest self. Both of us are highly experienced veterinarians and business owners and have a business and life that we love––but it wasn’t always like this. Just like you, we’ve been through a lot of the challenges you are facing now so we deeply understand where you’re coming from.

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I graduated from the University of Queensland in 2000 and for my very first job, I worked in mixed practice in the Brisbane Valley. But I craved adventure. So, I moved to the UK for a 12-month stint working abroad.

Like many Aussie vets who work in the UK, I ended up loving the experience and staying for 5 years. After positions at large and small practices, as well as locuming, I began to consider specialising as a surgeon. However, my mindset changed in 2006 when I started working at an emergency hospital.

When I moved back to Australia, I started mentoring other veterinarians at Animal Emergency Service during a time of huge transition. The team grew from 6 vets to 22 clinicians, ranging from new graduates, right through to experienced vets transitioning into the fast-paced and challenging field of emergency and critical care.

Since then, I’ve worked with multiple coaches and invested a lot of time (and money) into finding better ways to work, live and get the most out of life

By working with coaches and diving into my own personal development, I’ve gained confidence in my ability to handle whatever the job (and life) can throw at me – and coached others to do the same.

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Gerardo will teach you how to be a balanced and high performing veterinarian. Gerardo chose to push the boundaries from the day he got into vet school, on day one, a switch flicked in his head that made him take his life and career seriously. Getting into vet school was a dream, not something that he thought was possible. Given that opportunity he did not want to squander it, he put his hand up for year representative every year and was elected 4 of the 5 years and the other year he was elected as president of the University of Queensland Veterinary Student Association. On graduation, he was awarded the Australian Veterinary Student of the Year and Valedictorian of his year. From then on he realised that to have an impact it took hard work and effort. 

He created a resource called the MiniVet Guide, designed to help students and newly graduated vets transition into veterinary practice.  The MiniVet Guide has become a trusted resource and has sold more than 50,000 copies worldwide.

After completing his Masters of Veterinary Studies in Small Animal Practice and achieving Membership with the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in the field of Emergency and Critical Care in 2012, and then became head examiner for future Membership candidates for next 3 years, he stepped up into a hospital director role at the Animal Emergency Service the busiest emergency hospital in Australia. He is the director of two Animal Emergency Service hospitals which has a total staff of 120. 

He became a mentor and developed training programs for vets transitioning in to the field of emergency and critical care.  Considered one of the most stressful fields of veterinary medicine. It was through the mentoring that he realised that veterinarians need more than clinical knowledge to be successful. So started his journey into the field of performance coaching as he saw vet after vet burning out and losing their passion and their direction. He realised the hard way that veterinary professionals need more than clinical skills to be a successful veterinarian so he set about getting trained by some of the best performance coaches in the world to be a performance coach himself.  He spent hundreds of hours coaching people from all walks of life to achieve success in their desired fields of interest. Now he coaches veterinarians who are plateauing, transitioning or stepping up into leadership or entering a new field of veterinary medicine. It is through the VSA that Gerardo totally believes that together with Alex they can build the future leaders of veterinary medicine around the world.


We both know what it’s like to feel the pressure of an intense job, all the while trying to be a good parent, partner and keep our health on track.

And through years and years of practice – and lots of mistakes, experiments and risks – We’ve found out what works. Now we want to share that with you, so you too can feel the joy of a beautiful life and fulfilling career (without the doubt and fear).

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The Vet Success Masterclass is a 6-month program covering the key areas designed to help you build the life you want and career you’ve dreamed of since you first started out.

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Inside the program, you’ll hop on weekly LIVE mentorship calls and get face to face support for any questions you have related to that week’s module content. You’ll also have the opportunity to have ONE private 1:1 session with either Alex or Gerardo to dive deeper on any blocks, resistance or fears you have on a deeper level so you can make the most of your time in the program.

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You’ll be taking the program alongside an intimate group of other high vibe, motivated vets who want balance in their lives, just like you. You’ll have 24/7 access to the Vet Success Academy Facebook Group (our own vet Tribe Community) to ask questions, connect and celebrate wins. This is where you can bond with your vet tribe, share your wins, receive support and build lifelong friendships with other vets in the program.

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This is an action-oriented program. We’ll teach you exactly how to do something and then you execute it that week. This isn’t just a ‘course’, although you do get access to all the Core Modules, including videos and guides from Alex and Gerardo. In the course content, you’ll deep dive into all the strategies, frameworks and systems you need to know to accelerate your journey to a life and career that others will be envious of!


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In your everyday life as a veterinary professional, the pressures of long hours and exhausting conversations with stressed owners can really get you down. You might have already forgotten what brings you joy in your mission as a veterinarian. How would it feel if you were excited at the thought of going to work everyday? I’ll help you unlock your passion for making a difference in the lives of pets and create positive emotion around your career.

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It’s said that in structure there is freedom. Using the roadmap we created for you, We’ll give you some insanely good tips to help hack your productivity. This will allow you to achieve much more within the same 168 hours we all have each week. You'll identify the rituals and habits that will have the biggest impact on daily life and then get set to implement and watch your productivity skyrocket!

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Nothing occurs in reality without ACTION! Too often we are waiting for things to be ready or just right or for ourselves to be good enough to get started. Together we identify the moves you need to make every day, learn how to bypass motivation and how to gain the momentum to propel you forward. This is where the rubber really hits the road and I won’t lie – it will require a lot of hard work, BUT it will be worth it!

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We often think our confidence is correlated with what we know and how SMART we are but not so! I’ll give you a step-by-step process to help change the way you think and feel about confidence including overcoming imposter syndrome, understanding the power of body language and how to feel confident when talking to your clients about treatment plans and estimates, so their pets get the right care they need to get back on all fours.

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Balancing strange work hours with your desire to spend more time with your family and friends – as well as take care of your health – is a real challenge. We’ll look at your current self-care routine and pick it apart. We’ll then put it back together in a way that’s sustainable, where you have time for yourself and all the other amazing things you want to do to live your #bestlife.

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You’ll learn how to develop deep connections with both colleagues and clients to create positive partnerships and achieve the best for your patients. To do this, you will learn how to master empathy, understand the value of trust and develop rapport with those around you. Why is this important? It’s so you can go home at the end of the day feeling energised and happy knowing you are valued as a veterinarian.

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Discover strategies on how to influence others to create win-win situations that benefit everyone involved.  I believe this is one of the key life skills that is overlooked!  Whether that be in the consult room, with your team, your boss or with your partner. Helping people think through the options to get what they want and what you want and develop the persuasion to create influence-that is absolutely a skill that can be learnt and I’m here to show you how!

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G.R.I.T. stands for Guts, Resilience, Initiative and Tenacity. G.R.I.T. is what gets you out of bed in the morning (or afternoon) after a 12-hour shift, excited to go straight back and do it all over again. We’ll give you valuable tools to keep you on track even when setbacks hit you (and they will!) and mentor you on how to create a life you love!


One-time payment of $2,455 AUD - save 9% when you pay in full, OR 3 Payments of $900 AUD


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The biggest shift I have experienced through the program is my approach to being a Veterinarian and every day life. Client interactions and tricky cases use to exhaust me, but with the tools we have learnt in VSK I now find these a great source of professional satisfaction and fulfilment. I’m again finding the enjoyment in life and being a Veterinarian, am working towards set goals (both inside and outside of work), and feel in control and positive about the direction my life is heading. This course is perfect for those wanting to find or rediscover the enjoyment and fulfilment in their career and life!

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The beauty of this course is it brings together, in a beautiful balance, a two-fold focus on both career aspects and personal aspirations. It’s all about giving you the tools to be successful, goal setting and there is amazing support. I was able to get clarity on where I needed to focus in my career but also with personal goals. Big take home messages that hit home were ‘intentionality’, ‘motivation’, ‘nutrition’ and ‘self care’ - including setting healthy boundaries and learning it is OK to say no. It has allowed me to be the best version of myself in the workplace and at home. The material in this course is non-clinical core foundations and it’s application will allow you to build strong skills and progress faster toward your goals. The material would apply to all veterinarians - new grads to experienced veterinarians, GP to specialist to emergency workers. 

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The last 3 months of my life have been more productive, fulfilling and joyful than the entire 12 months before that put together. Dr Alex Hynes had me think hard about what was truly important to me at this point in my life and helped me achieve this by providing external accountability whilst also teaching simple yet critical life changing techniques to manage time, energy, motivation and purpose. There were plenty of work related discussions also, which have been incredibly useful, especially been a recent graduate. Since undertaking this course numerous comments have been made at work complementing me on passion, composure and competency.






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We’re SO passionate about helping you succeed as a vet in getting the life you want, that if you’re not happy with the course after 90 days, we’ll give you a full refund.*

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By investing in yourself, you’re investing in your future.

Being a vet isn’t easy, but it also doesn’t have to be THIS HARD. To stay in the game for the long haul, you need to develop a few key skills to keep your physical, mental and emotional health in check. 

You’ll build those skills (and more) in the Vet Success Masterclass so you can take back the wheel and start to live the incredible life I know you’ve been looking for.

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     you’re a practicing veterinarian.

     you’re sick of being exhausted and want more energy to do the things you love (including be an amazing vet).

✓     you’re ready to take control of every part of your life and see REAL change.

     you want to take better care of yurself, but you’re not exactly sure what will actually work.

    you’re ready to go to the next level in your career and life.

✓    you can’t imagine your life without your job as a vet, but it feels hard to sustain.

    you’re 100% committed to making a better life for yourself.


✗     you’re a student studying to become a veterinarian (although we are still here to support you through our other online courses such as Turning Pro).

     you want to learn about a particular surgery or procedure (this is NOT a clinical course).

     you don’t see the value in talking about your experience or hearing the experience of others.

     you’re not ready to change your life.

     you would prefer just to complain about your job, your life and your relationships.

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So you have made it this far, and you're still on the fence wondering:

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We get it. You take great pride in your success and accomplishments, it feels silly to think of asking someone for help when it comes to feeling more whole, fulfilled, balanced, and grounded between your career and your life.

But here’s the secret sauce that no one’s talking about…


You don’t have to stay stuck in the stress of the vet hamster wheel.


You can say goodbye to the constant state of overwhelm and frustration AND make your vet career something you LOVE again and get your life back. 


The best part?




Alex and Gerardo are here for you, ready to show you how to do it.


So if you’re ready to stop playing small + you’re done with the stress/overwhelm for good, hit the APPLY button below and let’s get started.