5 Strategies for Dealing with Perfectionism


We are going to go through 5 strategies that can help you to tackle some of the negative effects of perfectionism:

1. Challenge Your Perfectionism Behavior:

So I want you to think about what are some of the things that you MUST do "perfectly" eg.  surgical skin close.  Examples.  --  for Alex, it would spelling and grammar, for ME it is at the gym if they say 12 reps I do 12 reps and die… 

Exercise: Write down why you believe that this activity must be perfect? What is the impact if you do or don't??

Do you resist delegating tasks to a co-worker because you don't trust their ability which means that you stay back late? 

Pro Tip: How can you overcome them?  Only challenge one perfectionist behavior at a time. Otherwise, you may feel overwhelmed. One small change can have a huge impact.

2. Set Realistic Goals:

Set realistic goals.  Think about your most important life and career goals. Then, break them down into smaller monthly or yearly...

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Confidence in The Consult Room

Confidence is a skill that you have to keep working on, it is like a muscle that needs consistently building and a commitment to step outside of your comfort zone ... the place where we become stagnant and into your ZONE of POTENTIAL as this is where growth and development occurs. 

Now, in this zone you will fail and make more mistakes, however it is only through these learning opportunities that you will achieve the confidence and competence you want for a successful and satisfied career. 

So let's look at a scenario .. you are in the consultation room and you see something for the first time, or do not know what is going on with a patient. You don’t feel confident in what to do next. 

If you struggle with imposter syndrome the “expert” persona kicks in here.  But, remember, vulnerability not equal failure. You do not need to know everything in order to be a good vet. If you don’t know the answer right away, it doesn’t diminish your...

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