We are going to go through 5 strategies that can help you to tackle some of the negative effects of perfectionism:
1. Challenge Your Perfectionism Behavior:
So I want you to think about what are some of the things that you MUST do "perfectly" eg. surgical skin close. Examples. -- for Alex, it would spelling and grammar, for ME it is at the gym if they say 12 reps I do 12 reps and die…
Exercise: Write down why you believe that this activity must be perfect? What is the impact if you do or don't??
Do you resist delegating tasks to a co-worker because you don't trust their ability which means that you stay back late?
Pro Tip: How can you overcome them? Only challenge one perfectionist behavior at a time. Otherwise, you may feel overwhelmed. One small change can have a huge impact.
2. Set Realistic Goals:
Set realistic goals. Think about your most important life and career goals. Then, break them down into smaller monthly or yearly...
I want you to pause for a second and consider this question..
What thoughts or beliefs do you have that get in the way of your progress? These are your limiting beliefs. It might be ‘I'm not smart enough’ or ‘I'm not pretty enough’ or "I am shy" or "I am bad with names".
Limiting beliefs are things that hold you back. I like to think of them as this list of rules we each have in our heads about what we should say, how we should be, and what we should do and about how the world works. They are based on things like- what our parents taught us, how we were educated and our past experiences Plus, we reinforce them either via our inner dialogue or what we tell other people. We seek out proof that they are true and think of them as "just who we are".
We say things like ‘I'm not good at maths’ or “I’m terrible at public speaking”. A limiting belief could be about you, your interactions with other people, or...
Motivation is one of the most important things we have to master in our emotional toolkit. We need to be master of it, not be a slave to it.
When you have the motivation you need, you are pulled forward, out of bed each day, into the day, into work, it pulls the best out of you, and everything changes. When you lose motivation, the first gate to suffering opens and momentum stops.
First … you don’t feel like doing anything, you don’t feel like working out, you don’t want to act on your goals, you then start to feel unfulfilled, and unsatisfied.
Motivation is something we have to generate on a continual basis, and it is fuelled by our ATTENTION and by our MOMENTUM. We want to be able to generate the emotions of drive, desire, diligence —whatever you want to call motivation. We want to help you generate and master the emotion you need to move forward powerfully.
It all starts with YOUR AMBITIONS!
All motivation begins with a desire or a...
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